Sunday Morning Volunteer Opportunities

Ushers & Greeters

Do you remember the first time you walked into our church on a Sunday morning?  Was your experience pleasant? Did someone welcome you warmly, answer your questions, make you feel like you found the right place? 

First U Brooklyn is in the vanguard of welcoming congregations and YOU are that presence. While we all focus on being a welcoming congregation, Greeters and Ushers are key to first impressions of First U. Plan to join us this year in welcoming newcomers, visitors and members on Sunday mornings. We hope that each of you will serve our congregation at least one Sunday. Sign up for one Sunday a year, once a month or as a Head Usher for one month or more per year. Share your love and enthusiasm for First U in welcoming all to your spiritual home.

Soup and Sandwiches

Soup and sandwiches is a service we provide to our community on Sunday during coffee hour. Having and easy lunch available allows congregants to stay at church for afternoon activities and helps parents with young children.  We offer a nutritious, affordable lunch to our members and friends, and a source of income to our congregation. For more information contact Garnett Losak ( 

Chalice Lighter

Every Sunday we ask members of our congregation to light our chalice during worship. Families and children are especially encouraged to volunteer to light the chalice together.  To volunteer contact Garnett Losak (

Altar Flowers 

Flowers may be dedicated to a loved one or commemorate an important event.  Altar flowers are $60 and are yours to take home following the service.  Contact Wendy Russell ( to reserve a date and provide your dedication for the Order of Service.



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