Our Mission: The First Unitarian Congregational Society in Brooklyn is a joyful, caring, religious community that inspires and empowers people to Grow spiritually, Care for one another, and Work for justice and stewardship of the earth.
Sunday, January 19th, 11:00AM, Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend, Rev. Micah C. Ma, preaching, “Let’s Talk About Race” with music by the First Unitarian Choir and soloists, led by Adam Podd music director, and a wisdom story for all ages. All are welcome! Order of Service
Thursday, January 16th, 6:45PM, Vespers, Join Rev. Meagan Henry and music director, Adam Podd, for this contemplative evening service of prayer, silence and song. We gather in the McKinney Chapel (121 Pierrepont Street)
Newcomer’s orientations, led by Garnett Losak, Director of Congregational Life, are held on the First Sunday of every month following the service. This is a drop-in meeting. All are welcome. Click here for more information about visiting First Unitarian for the first time.
All of our services are available on Facebook Live and Zoom. For more information or a Zoom link contact info@firstubrooklyn.org no later than 9:00AM on Sunday.
Members pages? Click Here.
See videos from First Unitarian on our YouTube Channel