Forward First Brooklyn
Read our proposed purpose Statement, Goals and Strategies Here
The Next Step Forward
At our congregational meeting on March 6, 2016 the congregation heard about the exciting work that some of our Forward First teams are doing. Some people also expressed a desire to learn more about our Forward work as it progresses.
What is Forward First?
Adopted at the annual meeting in May 2015, our Forward plan is a strategic vision meant to guide our work over the next 3-5 years. At the heart of the plan is our congregation’s statement of purpose, which can be found on our website and many of our official documents:
The First Unitarian Congregational Society in Brooklyn is a joyful, caring, religious community that inspires and empowers people to grow spiritually, care for one another, and work for social justice and stewardship of the earth.
The goal of our Forward work is to examine how well the congregation’s activities and culture align to our purpose and determine what we can do to transform ourselves to more completely fulfill these aspirations.
Last year, a Forward First study group recommended five broad areas that the congregation should focus on, as well as individual strategies within each area, to accomplish the work. The plan they developed can be found here.
Who is leading the work?
The Board is charged with overseeing Forward First, although work “on the ground” will be done through 13 different teams (usually one team for each strategy in the plan). Most of these teams are new, and some teams are still being formed.
What will the teams do?
The work will look different for each team, although all teams will begin by crafting a vision for their work that articulates how and what they specifically aim to accomplish in 3-5 years.
I want to learn more about the work of each team.
The first step to learning about the work is to read the plan. The Board intends to update the congregation as teams make progress on their individual goals. In addition, some of the teams will need to seek information directly from the congregation, solicit feedback on possible activities, and pilot ideas.
Who can I contact for more information?
Sean Fischer, a member of our Board of Trustees, is available for questions and feedback. He can be reached at