Whoever you are, Whomever you love,
Wherever you are on your life journey,
Whatever the color of your skin, or your country of origin,
Whatever your gender or the source of your faith,
You are Welcome Here.
Quick and Easy Guide to Membership
Read more about First Unitarian here.
Joining a spiritual community can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences. When you become a member of First Unitarian, you will find a community of people who work together to create a better world inside and outside our walls. You will discover deep and sustained friendships that are based on common goals and you will have companionship in your spiritual journey. Members in good standing are entitled to:
- free or low cost rites of passage, including weddings, memorial services and baby blessings (see member policies)
- serve on the Board of Trustees and other committees and groups that guide the future of our congregation
- serve as Lay Worship Leaders
- vote at congregational meetings
- reduced fees for programming that requires a registration fee
To help you become better acquainted with Unitarian-Universalism and our congregation, we invite all of our guests to attend a newcomers orientation. These classes last about an hour and a half and are generally led by our Director of Congregational Life, Garnett Losak. We will cover the basics of UU theology and philosophy, the history of our faith tradition, and how our congregation works. Newcomer orientations are held monthly throughout the year, generally on the first Sunday following worship. More information can be found in the weekly e-news and the order of service.
We invite all prospective members to register for Pathways: Deepening Your Relationship to First Unitarian. This 5-hour class, taught by members of the clergy, staff, and lay leaders, goes deeper into the meaning of membership, exploring our individual spiritual journeys and our relationships to our faith community. The class is offered in various formats 2-3 times a year, depending on demand.
If you have been attending worship services at First Unitarian for awhile (for most people we recommend at least 3 months), have attended a newcomers orientation or taken a Pathways class, feel a commitment to our community, and are in agreement with our Right Relations Covenant and Purpose Statement, you may be ready to complete an Intent to Join Form (or use our printable form) Once received, you will be connected with a canvasser who will help you to determine an appropriate financial commitment. At that point, you will be ready to sign our historic membership book and become a voting member of the congregation. Prospective members are encouraged to meet with either of our clergy or Garnett Losak, Director of Congregational Life.
Printed Intent to Join Forms may be dropped in the offering plate on Sundays, mailed to the church office, or scanned and emailed to Garnett Losak ( Garnett is also available to answer any questions you may have.