Building Our Future
Thank you for visiting the Building Our Future webpage. We encourage you to click on the links below to view two brief and wonderfully engaging videos about the campaign. And then we encourage you to click on the pledge form link to make your pledge to the campaign.
Why we support Building Our Future
Selections from September 26th worship service
Pledges can be made using our on-line form here. Or download a printable paper form here.
To Pay Your Pledge with a transfer of equities, please print this form to be completed by your broker and returned to the office.
Ready to make your one-time gift or initial pledge payment now? click here and choose “Capital Endowment Fund”. Thank you for your generosity!
If you enjoyed the first two videos, click on this link to watch the entire Building Our Future kickoff worship service from September 26th.
Read more detail about the projects planned for the next 15 years to keep our facilities safe, functional, accessible, ecological, and beautiful, here.